It is a matter of great satisfaction to donate this institution to satna city. SRKC is one of the best educational institute imparting quality education in various fields such as management, computers, science, arts and commerce.
I wish all the students of SRKC to lead a life which is purpose full positive and constractive.
With best Wishes
Shammi Puri
We believe that an individual should have an all round development and for that we focus on he extracurricular activities. Extra curricular activities are activities performed by students that fall outside the realm of the normal curriculum of school or university education. Such activities are generally voluntary as opposed to mandatory, non-paying tend to be athletics, social and philanthropic as opposed to scholastic and involve other of the same age.
Students often organize and dirct these activities under faculty sponsorship. Some of the extracurricular activities of our college are to enrich the personality and preventability to students a wide range of activities is catered far in the year programme. The activities are reviewed and revise time and need, adn form and inserpable part of the curriculum.
When it comes to festival celebration, SRKCians always take the lead. Students celebreated the festival of Lord Krishna's birth along with the fullfeledged enthusiasm and support of the faculty members. All the students of different under graduate and post-graduate programs decorated therir class rooms to commemorate the birth of Krishna. The class with the best decoration was also awarded with a prize at the end of academic year.
Cultural Programmes and academics are apparently getting along famously at SRKC, where students apply tried and tested management principles to organize and take part in the annual function along with the dedicated efforts and guidance of the faculty. It is an effort to promote the college's aim of enriching education by presenting a holistic vision of enriching education by presenting a holistic vision of indian culture, its preiceless heritage of classical fold and community tradition. SRKC's all set to usher in a new era of heightened cultural awareness and activity in the region. The administration here has always supported the students in organizing various acheivement like annual function as it ensures personnal development of an individual and his skills.
The college organises educational excursions to different part of country in academic session. These are very popular among the students. A part from being a relaxed, enjoyable time for the students, away from toutline studies these trips provide a different kind of exposure and education to the students.
The college organises national level seminars on different topics. Recently college has organized an National level seminar on Biotechnology & Bio diversity in which representative from all over country took part in it.
Games and Athletics are an integral part of our college curriculum. Our Campus provides a 40X110 mtr. sports hall with tennis court, badminton court, a handball court. We also offer facilities for indoor games also like chess, carrom etc.
College has organized an state level badminton Champion ship in the year of 2009-10 in which teams from all divisions took part. The college organises different sports like cricket, Badminton, Kho-Kho,Table Tennis, Chess, Carrom etc. College has an Indoor sports hall for students in which state level competitions are also organised.